
                      TANYA'S POV-

               "तेरी बातें तो बहुत प्यारी थी,

                  पर कंभक्त तू नशे में था।"

Creepy streets that's how i describe the shop i am visiting right now. Aarav brought me here to get some bangles. Artificial ones.

"We can get the real ones." I shrug at the surroundings.

"No Tans these are iconic. And it's just here one more turn." He moves ahead and i carefully read the writings on the wall. Some sort of advertisements and some sort of notices. They even have drawings on them. Colours and faces. My steps are slow and i zoom at almost every other thing. People from all sides are gawking at me, like i am an alien or something. And some even are whispering in others ears. I don't feel odd because i have a lot of confidence in myself. But what about the females here?

Do they suffer the same? Or are they free? Maybe i am too behind to know about all this. Every other day i read a news about some victory or achievements of Indian women. Not that i get jealous but i do feel good. I was also an Indian woman only. But the other side is too much to bear with. I almost read about atleast one rape case daily that took place here in India. I won't say London is safe, it also has douchebags but it is still safer than India. Or rather there people don't force women. Thinking about other countries i do feel they are more safe.

India is really not developing but when i look in our areas, it is developing. How do i explain this now. Ugh. I take a deep sigh and glance where Aarav is standing.

His hands run through those colourful bangles. He smiles and i feel good. He isn't that playboy either. He is old school indeed.

"See Tans how beautiful they are. Every colour and every design. It's too pretty to be here. But again the people who make them aren't big enough to export them." His voice holds discomfort.

"Maybe these streets are beautiful because of these bangles." I stare at one pair. It's rose pink. I like them.

"Maybe." He repeats.

My hands struggle to fit those bangles in, when suddenly a little girl appears out of nowhere.

"Churiyan tut jayengi didi." She says glancing at my hand.

(Bangles will break.)

"Yeh aapke liye nahi bani." With this she moves to the stand and gets a new pair of green bangles. They are deep and attractive.

(These are not made for you.)

"Yeh pehno. Yeh aap par khoob jachengi." She helps me to get them on and i tingle them, loving how they sound.

(Wear these. They will suit you.)

"Tans you look good. They are so pretty and more pretty on you." Aarav winks at me and i return him a smile.

"You work here?" He asks that little girl

"Ji. Yeh mere baba ki dukaan hai." The girl replies.

(Yes. It's my father's shop.)

"Thankyou." I mutter and then we pay for the bangles to leave.

On our way home, Aarav plays some hindi songs. And i just lean on the window catching the view of what once used to be my home. The surroundings have changed and there's nothing i can resemble to anymore. This city is whole different from where i left.

"Do you want to eat something?" He asks tapping fingers on the steering wheel.

"Ice cream maybe." I squint my eyes and he smirks.

Ten minutes later, we pull off in front of an ice cream parlour. It's nothing like London. Rather it's small and cozy with ice cream stickers everywhere.

"Two chocochips." He orders and i shyly smile. He remembers i love chocochips. Atleast someone does remember me here.

My phone buzzes and i check the name. My eyes almost widen at the name. Maybe i am dreaming. Or why else would he call me?

Adhvik Kapoor, the name flashes and my heart races fast. Not fast actually. It's abnormal now.

"Hello." I speak getting a little away from Aarav. Not that he eavesdrop me he is already busy at his phone chatting with some girl.

Probably one of the millions he mentioned earlier.

"I miss you." His voice is raw, it's when i realise it must be midnight in New Zealand at this hour. I got to know about his visit there from Aditya. Which means he didn't sleep but called me. Insane.

But why do i feel good? Or a little excited. It's not like we are friends who checks up on each other.

All these thoughts didn't allow me to actually hear what he said earlier, i was too busy drowning in his sleepy voice.

"What?" I ask in genuine tone

"You like teasing me." He stays silent for a second and then continues again

"I said i miss you." My words stick to my throat and i gulp my saliva down it. How in the world am i supposed to react?

Happy? Arrogant? Or absolutely not giving a fuck?

"Is this your new game?" I interrogate sounding casual.

He shouldn't know his mere words affect me. How they drive me insane and how he is getting a hold of me. Too bad for enemies to get this close.

"No." He says his tone a little low. The realisation hits me and i know now why he called me. He is drunk.

"Are you drunk?" I ask with suspicion.

"Alcohol never gets me the way you do." He is flirting. Adhvik Kapoor is flirting with me. How fucked up my life can get?

"Oh please." I chuckle sarcastically.

"Why you left London?" He seems annoyed.

"I didn't leave London, i just came back -

My brain doesn't find the right word, home? No absolutely not.

"Came back to India." I stutter.

"Hmm" His voice getting more dizzy. I know he will sleep soon. So i might just stay silent and let him sleep.

"What are you doing?" He asks again, i look around cause i kind of forgot where i was. The ice cream, yes.

"Nothing just getting an ice cream." I say smiling at Aarav. He is still busy chatting with someone. I don't complain and focus back on my call.

"Which flavour?" His question almost amazes me. He wants to know which flavour i am getting for myself. He must have had a lot of drinks.

"Chocochips." I say getting my cup from Aarav. As i take the first bite a little moan escapes my mouth.


"Is it that good?" He sounds so much sexy in his sleepy voice. I just wish i was there and kissing him until he moans in my mouth. But the thought is shameful, ridiculous but tempting too.

"Yeah. It's good. Better than London." My words leave as i take more bites.

"Is it good than my taste?" The words froze me and my heart practically misses a beat. He surely knows how to make me ashamed. A girl just scrunched her brows on me. I am definitely looking a mess or even close it to.

"You are not an ice cream." I laugh making it less awkward. But it is not helping.

"My kiss. My lips. Does that fucking ice cream tastes better than my lips on you?" Is he for real? I mean the sensations i feel in my body are too strong to ignore but still he shouldn't talk this dirty to his enemy.

"What do you mean?" My voice barely keeping it all together.

"I mean when i kissed you in your office, when i kissed you in that lake. Does this ice cream beats me?" His voice raging with possessiveness.

"Mm you must sleep Adhvik. You are high." I ignore his reaction.

"No. Tell me Tanya how would you feel if i taste those chocochips from your tongue? How would you feel while i fuck your tongue with mine?" His voice more strong this time.

I can feel my core getting wet, he is on a call and still capable of doing things to me. I have never been turned on while eating ice cream. My soul shudders and i gasp for the need of a kiss. But instead i take a hold of the table near me. Atleast it helps in keeping me straight and not curling my body with the devil tinglings.

"I will feel nothing." I say in a stern tone, i cannot let this happen again. We are enemies and getting this affected by him won't be a good thing.

"Lie." He mocks me and i rub my lips together, it's the least i can give myself for getting so desperate for a kiss.

"Not a lie." I reply back immediately.

"You know I remember how you moan my name while i fuck you. So no I don't believe you won't feel anything. I know you will fucking beg for more." He keeps on going while with every passing second it is getting difficult for me to survive his torture.

"You love it. You fucking do. And if i was there now, we would have already undressed each other. Believe it or not our bodies crave each other if not our souls but our bodies definitely do. And." His voice breaks and i stay linked for another minute checking if he actually slept or not.

But when nothing comes again, i sigh in relief and disconnect the call. My back hurts and my thighs clench together, i was so close of getting an orgasm.

Aarav smashes his shoulder into mine and i shreik. He laughs like a maniac. This bastard just scared the hell out of me.

"You scared me." I punch him in the chest and he pulls me into a hug.

"Let's go home tans. It's pretty late." He acknowledges and then we head straight to home.

Later in the night-

My hands are numb, i am showering since last two hours. It's currently 3 in the morning and i am here rubbing my skin. To wipe that imaginary blood from my skin.

I had a nightmare again. But i expected it, when i am lying on a bed in the same house where everything started they will definitely show up. But it was worse. Not something i am usually used to. It was harsh and psychotic.

Blood splattered all over the car and my hands. Another reminder that my hands have the blood of my own parents.

My head hurts and my jaw clenches with the running water on my body. It's too cold here to be in shower for this long. But i need physical pain to get over the mental breakdown.

My nails are soft now and they are on the verge of getting broken. But all i care about is my mind. The mind that is fucking up with everything.

I finally pull up my shorts after mourning for another while, now it's just me and my scent in this room. Sleep will never show up now.

So i decide to get myself a hot latte while i review the documents, pretty sure that I won't get time in the upcoming days. So it's better for both me and my head.

The deals are almost done, they just need reviewing last sites. I don't see anything that i should worry about. Fifteen minutes later my phone tings with a notification.

It's 5 in the morning who it could be? 

"Did i call you last night?" The message flashes his name. So he is up now.

"What does your phone tells you?" I ask in a nasty way.

"It tells me we had a conversation." He speaks again.

"Definitely we did." I reply nibbling my lips.

"About what?" He asks again. Oh cool so he doesn't remember anything. Good for him. It was embarrassing. But a part of my heart wants to tell him everything.

"About something very unimportant." I type back.

"Oh sweetheart there's nothing unimportant between us." His text does something to my stomach but i refuse to accept and chug my latte down.

A minute later he texts me again.

"Do you remember something about chocochips?"

Fuck. He was just toying with me. Of course how could he forget anything. He doesn't get so high. He is used to this. Even he can plan murder in that state. Foolish of me to doubt that.

"So you do remember."

"I do. But how i wish i could see your reaction. I mean what my words did to you."

The message makes my blood rush to cheeks making it a tomato already.

"Good you weren't here. Otherwise you will only get disappointment." I try to sound strong and unaffected but how in the world should i ignore the effects?

"That's my pick to decide." Arrogant prick.

"Heard you were in New Zealand. Should focus on your work." I dodge the message and then get back to work.

"Yeah London felt boring without you so i tried to visit somewhere new. But trust me without you everything is so lame. You are the spark." Even though i know he is joking around still this feels better to me.

I don't reply back and then that's it. He also doesn't message me again. Good. We shouldn't start texting. And then get addicted to it.

I hear a knock at my door and realise that's it's already 7. Someone must be up. When i go to unlock it, the person in front of me smiles.

Trisha smiling on me? Not so usual.

I gesture her to come inside and she takes a seat on the bed. Her breath is heavy and sweat is all over her body. She must be coming from jogging.

My hands fill a glass of water and then I forward it to her.

"Have some water." She takes it without refusing even once.

"I want you to meet Akshat." Her voice seems normal. Atleast not taunting or cold.

"Really?" My eyes widen. She wants me to meet her fiance. That's a progress.

"Yeah. He is excited to meet you since you are my only blood left." A pride rush to my soul. I am her only blood.

But how the agony is. This reminds me how i am the only one. Why i am the only one and not our parents.

"Not that you tried to keep any other alive." She says her voice again so taunting. I look down at my hands and then i inhale good oxygen.

"When?" I ask

"In the noon." With this she just moves out.

Hey guys. Another chapter i hope it gets exciting and the upcoming chapters make you feel more good. But as i said i need your votes and comments to stay motivated. So make sure to flood that. Also do mention your favourite scene.


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