Chapter -7

                         ADHVIK'S POV-

        "मैं पानी हूँ पर तेरी आग मुझे जलाने से ही

        जलेगी और तेरी प्यास मेरे साथ ही भुजेगी।"

Her body feels soft. Softer than it should feel. I don't know if it's just her or my desiring hate towards her, but every inch of my body craves every inch of her body.

I push my chest a little harder and her breasts hug me like a comforter. Her eyes bend a little before shooting daggers in my direction.

She struggles to free herself while my eyes simply adore her. Her breath hitches a bit with the constant trials.

"Are you done?" I ask setting a strand of her hair.

"Leave me" Her words echo in the empty room.

"I don't hold things to leave" I avowed while caressing her back continuously.

"Stop your bullshit already. I am not here for any cheap romance but to get my deal back." Her voice is stern.

"Oh really? Cheap romance? You weren't saying this earlier that night." I gibed

"When will you get over that night? oh right people like you get so desperate with only one night." She chuckles intentionally

I don't like this attitude of her. I hate when she tries to act she doesn't care. Because she should.

"I don't need that night to remember you or your existence. You are on my mind way before that night." My fingers trail the softness of her cheeks.

A hard thud and she pushed me, making me aware of her physical powers. My gaze lingers on her eyes. They are too cold to be seen.

"Adhvik don't ever try to get what's mine otherwise you won't like how things will end."

"Then i want to know how things will end." My calmness amazes her.

She takes a deep sigh and then continues

"Adhvik i am not going to waste anytime here anymore. I am heading to meet the investors. You better not come between me and them. I came here to warn you. Now have a good day."

Her aura is so addictive. The boldness she has.

But before she can make her way out, i take long strides to reach her. She rolls her eyes with annoyance.

"Not this early." My lips flash a smirk and i intentionally push her to lock the door.

A big bang and then one on another.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Her voice comes out with rage.

"Caging you in my empire."

"I won't spare you Adhvik. And trust me i will torment you till my last breath." She whinged

I don't utter a word and simply blow a whistle while making my way out of the building. I know this won't end better but i like to play with fire.

And she is indeed the fire i craved my entire life for.

I call my security guards to keep a check on her because she won't sit there and stare. But rebel. She can do anything to make me lose.

I was about to reach my ground floor when i heard a blast. The fire alarms were making sounds and everyone at the office started to rush here and there.

My hands turned into a fist making my knuckles white. I know who the fuck did this.

And I won't let her win. Tanya Malhotra you will regret this. You will fucking regret every ounce of this.

Blowing a harsh breath out, i adjust my neck to get a hold of myself, because if i lose my shit then this will be her last day on this fucking planet.

I clench my fist with utter force and pull my phone out and dial the number of my assistant.

"Burn her car now." My words leave with pure hatred.

After disconnecting the call, i move to my building of office. The moment i reach there, smoke fills my nostrils making it difficult to breathe the oxygen present there.

I move my hand up and down to make my way inside the building. My eyes are half closed due to the immense smoke present there.

After a while, my eyes started to hurt because of the itched dust. They were barely opening when i saw her figure coming towards me from the room where fire was at peak.

She had this vicious smile playing on her lips with a pair of branded shades on her eyes. With each step closer, her expressions looked more venom spitting.

I loathe her, i loathe the way she plays. I loathe her entire existence. I clench my jaw as she stops in front of me.

With a slight turn back and then pointing towards the building she twitches her lips and shakes her head making it look pitiful.

"Tsk tsk... your office was so gorgeous to be burnt. But i had to." She pats my shoulder.

"How dare you?" My voice was stern.

"I can dare, do you get that? If you can play wrong then i will play dirty. And i told you honey this won't end better."

"Then you have to repay it. Go and watch for yourself. It's waiting for you." I try to sound unbothered to not let her enjoy the taste of my defeat.

She bends her head a little and smiles. Her smile is what i cannot hate. Even if i want to, I can't help this. She has this aura of attracting anyone at one mere smile.

And i am one of them. I envy her for getting all the attention from me, but more than that i hate that she gets all that attention from other men.

"Goodbye Mr. Kapoor" She leaves without hearing the response.

"Goodbye Miss Tanya." I mumble under my breath.

I know she will not react to her burnt car, and it's nothing she will consider a defeat. Cause she can buy hundreds of more. But this will surely be a sign that hurting me won't let her breathe without any consequences.

I take a deep sigh and let the staff handle this mess.

                         TANYA'S POV-

My palms turn sweaty and my heart rate accelerates seeing the car burn. I don't have a good experience with car blasts.

They scare me, haunt me like a ghost.

My legs start to shiver and suddenly they are not strong enough to hold me. I keep staring at the car. My car.

It takes me to straight that night, this happened earlier. I lost everything with that blast. Maybe i will lose myself this time. Terror sticks to my nerves as i take a deep breath. But nothing soothes me.

I don't have enough energy to hold myself strong for another minute. My lungs ache to fetch that oxygen and i fail.

My body fall on my knees, i place my hands on my face and shake it several times to make myself believe it's nothing like that day. But my body feels numb almost like a corpse.

I feel a little dizziness in my head, everything around me feels unstable just like my mind. I need to throw up or just lay down for a while.

My gaze follows that car again, and i hear those screams of my parents. Their wails make me want to end myself. I pull both my hands to my ears to make those screams unheard. Though nothing works and i lay on the ground while folding my knees to my chest. I feel pathetic. Gross and what not.

I try not to sob, but my cries turn wild. My hands tremble and adrenaline rushes into my body making my soul look vulnerable.

End. That night marked the end of everything. My happy family. My relations and a part of me died with my parents.

All these years, i held myself too bold. I went to every extent to get this out of my system but i guess it is engraved like a fucking tattoo which cannot be removed or healed.

It will just be like this forever. I shut my eyes and let the tears consume me when someone grasps my waist and pull me up into his arms.

I don't want to see who he is. For now i crash into his arms and hide myself in his arms. For a reason it feels safe.

Safer than the world. His arms offer a comfort i spent ages to find.

Nudging my face into his shoulders for a while, i pull away and he caresses my hair making me aware of the actual reality. As i look up in his direction, the view amazes me.

He is Adam. He used to study business with me. But out of sudden seeing him made me feel things I shouldn't.

For obvious reasons, he used to be my crush in the college days. But now everything has changed and he looks nothing alike. For details he has gotten more hotter.

He smiles at me. And i return it back. It's the moment when i finally realise he is carrying me. I get a little awkward and then he drops me down to the floor very carefully.

"So how have you been?" He asks

"I am doing great lately but..." my words stop for a reason.

"But your episodes show up then and now. Right?" He holds my hand while looking at me for an answer.

"Yeah sort of. I mean i was just fine for years but then someone came and everything felt like a destruction." I reveal while pressing my lips together.

"You should go and see the doctor then." He recommends but i am in no mood to discuss my mental health with him so i try to change the topic.

"Let it be. Tell me how have you been? You never showed up after graduation and I even was unable to find you." I ask with curiosity.

"I moved to America." He replied.

"So what brought you here as in Kapoor Industries?" My intrusive thoughts win this time and i question him like a five year old.

"Some business deals."

Oh okay. So Adhvik is considering a deal with him. But sadly it won't be successful not after i get to know about this.

"Why didn't you consider our company though?" I ask casually

"I wanted to but Kapoor Industries approached us. So here we are."

"But you can do now right? You can consider my company. And there's nothing like approach. People here go after everyone's projects so this is normal." My manipulation is so high.

"Is that so? Then sure." He agrees.

Now this is what we call even Adhvik. Go after what's mine and i will chase everything you have.

"I have to go now. I was here to meet the owner but guess there's a fire breakdown. So other day."

My eyes widen as if I wasn't the one who did that.

"Oh really?"

"Yes. Okay gotta go bye." He proceeds to leave and i nod.

A proud smirk flashes on my face when he turns around, i raise my brows to ask what's wrong.

"Let's meet for dinner someday." He insists.

"Of course. Sure thing."

As he leaves, i take a glance at my car. It's trash now. Forget it. I call my driver to bring another car.

After a while-

I twist my neck and bite my lower lip. It was hectic. I bury my face in my hands and let the moment consume me.

I hear some clatters from down the hall, so i wear my shorts leave the room. As i pass the stairs. I see my staff standing in front of the dining table.

I wonder who is here?

When i reach the hall, i read their faces, they are nothing calm. I turn around to see who is it.

A heavy figure greets me, Adhvik Fucking Kapoor. What is he doing here?

"Who invited you?" I ask folding my arms to my chest.

"I brought you dinner." He fowards his hand towards the table.

"And what makes you think that you can bring me dinner?" I enquire again taking steps to reach him

"The fact that you were lying on my floor this noon made me think that you won't be able to eat today. So i thought to take care of you." He smiles as if he cares about me

"I can eat. And there is no connection between you and my meals. You better be gone." I order him hastily.

"Of course i have connection. And if i am here then you should be aware that i will not leave before making you eat." His voice is harsh this time.

"Oh now i know you poisoned this food? Right. But your plan failed." I chuckle

"Let me eat first then, maybe you will trust me after that." With this he takes a bite from the plate.

I keep gawking at him. Trying to scare him. But who am i even fooling?

"I am not going to eat with you even after this." I announce.

"You better leave and not waste your time."

"I am not here to hear you no. Come and eat or otherwise i will shove the food into your mouth forcefully. Now be a good girl." He smiles widely

I raise my hand and show him my middle finger, when he finally gets up from the chair.

"You are not a good girl i guess." He drags a finger from my forehead to my lips with a disgust.

I hold his hand and throw it at his face. Moving a bit behind to maintain a good distance between us.

He grips my throat and presses my pulse point. With a low pressure only. He nibs his finger up and down making me whimper in pain.

"Come and eat." He whispers near my ear. His hot breath travels my body and i feel a shiver ran down my spine.

I practically murder him with my glares but he is just not that easy to get with.

He comes closer, close enough for me to breathe his collagen. He nuzzles his nose with my collarbone and i feel something like a knot in my stomach.

When I don't give a reaction, he goes to a level higher. He plants wet kisses on my neck making it hard for me to control. His eyes look in my direction but I don't give him any expression other than hatred and he doesn't stop.

I want him to lose this but i am losing this instead.

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