
                     TANYA'S POV-

      "तुझे सोचती हूँ मैं शाम और सुबह                पर ना बन सकूँगी कभी तेरी दिलरुबा।"


I came home early in the morning, of course I wouldn't stay for a breakfast at my foe's place.

A sudden wave of embarrassment rush into my veins.

Out of everyone in the world, i fell into his arms only. Ugh couldn't i fall into someone else's arm?

The way he smirked at me is driving me nuts till now. I feel my heart pounding a million times faster than its normal speed as I remember how he kissed my finger.

It was gentle. His eyes were looking like a fresh ocean of a feel I couldn't decipher earlier. But that was not hate.

Strange tingling feel. For the first time ever in my life someone's touch made me feel things. And the irony is he is my enemy.

As for reality no matter what i feel, he hates me and he does it so effortlessly. Like he was trained in his mother's womb to hate me till the last moment of his life.

The only fact that made me feel a little soft for him was he bought me medicines. Despite the detestation we hold for each other, he still took care of me.

Yet he is not someone i admire or even thank for saving me. Even my brain is fucking itself to know why he exactly did that?

I grunt as i find myself annoyed with these thoughts. My head already hurts and I can't bear to invest my leftover energy in his tricks.

Apart from whatever he did for me. Those medicines and taking me home. He still counts to be my number one rival.

And rivals cannot be trusted, even if they take a bullet for you in the front. You never know when they will stab you from behind.

Dozing all these thoughts, i call Aditya to get my regular check ups done. In case i have any major things to work on. A fever is okay. But sudden fever is sometimes not okay.

As i take glance at the table watch, it's already 4 in the evening. I spent the whole day lying and resting because my body was still low.

Stretching my back a little, i twist my neck and it makes a crack sound. Lack of exercise and gym. I can see it oh actually i can hear it now.

Taking a deep sigh, i finally get up from that couch and leave to take a quick shower.

The water is warm, and it is comforting me in this situation. The weather in London has made a drastic change since last night. It's more cold now not cold, actually freezing cold i must say.

As i apply a gentle moisturiser on my hand's back, i receive a text from Aditya regarding the appointment. It's 7 in the evening.

Huh. Tiring. I wanted to sleep again.

I know it's not me. Tanya Malhotra doesn't procrastinate but today i feel numb. Like i really feel ill. But anyways i have to get back to my hectic schedule from tomorrow so i have to take this one.

I order my house-help to bring me a hot chocolate. As i was sipping through it, i decide to check my mails.

Some are from trash while some are from PR. But i see one strange mail with the username of YOUR DRINK SPIKER.

My eyebrows make a bridge and i click enter to open it. The mail takes me straight to a document. I further download it and it's a picture of me sleeping like a baby in a car.

Not in a car. But his car.

Adhvik's car.

He is such a cheap man with his cheap tricks. Of course he can't pull them at me. I just make "I don't give a fuck expression." And was about to exit when i noticed a message with it.

Hi sweetheart,

I hope you are taking care of yourself after all a fever is not good for anyone. But it shouldn't ever happen to you again. It makes me feel pity for you but I shouldn't be feeling it. Because my only job is to make you pitiful. So i hope you will visit a doctor soon. Sending you lots of hate.


How he is so leisure to do all these shits? Like literally how in the world he became so successful. Seeing this i doubt that he spends most of his time doing these kiddish things.

Immature. Rascal.

But before closing it, i look at my picture for one last time. I don't know why but my face looks a lot more peaceful than usual one. I feel i am sleeping without any worries.

But my only concern is ,i was this comfortable in my only enemy's car. Shrugging these thoughts off my mind. I close my laptop and get ready for my appointment.

I wear a black coat with beige pants and of course a cap and a muffler along with that. No more risks with health.

After an half hour drive, i reach the hospital. I take a step down from my car and look on my sides to find my bodyguards standing like big walls.

I also have to talk with them about last night. Might have to fire them.

Giving them least importance, i focus back on the front gate. My heart feels squeezed with that one memory. My lungs feel choked and i am unable to fetch any oxygen. That accident has made hospitals a trauma for me.

I hate visiting them.

I clutch my fingers tight to my phone and a wave of fear travels down my spine. It makes my body to tremble and i feel like my parts are physically broken.

I close my eyes with the force i have left. Taking deep breaths and slow steps, i try to fight with my fear. Inhale and exhale.

Again. Inhale and exhale. It's going to be all okay. I slowly let my eye lids open and then move with baby steps. Once i reach the reception. I ask for Dr. Akshay's Cabin.

They guide me with few directions and i signal my bodyguards to stay at the gate. They nod and i march towards the cabin.

By giving a little knock, i enter the cabin and the doctor welcomes me. He is looking like a man in his mid twenties and his looks are everything but not of a doctor.

He is too hot to be a doctor. What the hell i am thinking?

I take the seat and he checks my body's temperature. His smile looks decent. After he gets done with my tests and all. I ask with a curious tone

"Is there anything i should worry about?"

He smiles in return and shake his head

"No Miss Tanya. You are alright. Just be careful with the showers you take. It shouldn't be cold because the changing weather will make you fall sick again."

I nod at him positively and leave for my home. Since i am okay now. I think of telling it to him.

Are you out of your mind? Why will you tell him?

Because this is not something he would get happy about. A proud smirk appears on my face and I immediately open my laptop.

Typing a quick mail, i click send and it's sent already. Good wifi. I guess.

My entire body gets that chills like i am some high school girl who just confessed to his crush. Why i am this excited? Is he some celebrity?

Calm the fuck down tanya.

My eyes kept glued to the screen though it's been fifteen minutes since i sent him that mail. Maybe he slept already.

My lips turns into a pout and i stare blankly at my room's wall. A sound of ping brings me back to the reality and i look at my laptop.

It's not from him.

Does that mean i want from him? No. Actually yes.

I blink my eyes with hasty rush of talking with him. As i sit for some more time staring like a maniac on my screen, my patience finally gives up and i rub my eyes.

But the ping sound draws my attention back to my laptop. I peek through my fingers at the screen, hoping that it would be him this time.

And guess what. It's actually him.

I grin looking at the mail i just received. But wait a minute, if i reply this early he would think some shit like i am obsessed with him. So i move back from my seat and sit straight with mild expressions.

We will wait for few minutes before replying. Yes. We will wait.

Roaming in my room and doing absolutely nothing for the next ten minutes. I finally jumped back to my bed like i was about to win an oscar for replying him. With zero patience left in me, i opened the mail.

Oh thank lord!! You are fine. You know how worried i was sweetheart. I didn't eat anything because if something happened to you then my only dream will be crushed.

Huh? Dream will be crushed? He is such a dramatic pyscho. I roll my eyes as i type back a mail again.

Only dream? What dream Mr. Kapoor?

The mail just got delivered and in a span of seconds , i got one from him. Ahh that was quick. Not resisting myself this time. I let my hands click that enter button.

To ruin you. Remember you are mine to ruin sweetheart.

I groan bending my head a little. What kind of jerk he is? Such an asshole.

Your dream will never be fulfilled thankyou.

I reply in a very sarcastic way and place my laptop away. It's of no more use to argue with him. He can never stop that. But i highly need sleep now.

Next day-

I crumble the ball of paper i have in my hands. I am officially losing my shit now. Anger runs in my veins and all i want is to kill someone.

A harsh feeling resides in me when i re-read the agreement. The brokers are considering Adhvik's company as well.

What the hell is happening in my life?

This project was mine from the start. I own this. I fucking did hard work for half a year to get here and this bastard is already taking the consideration.

For now, i want to smash his head in the wall and make a pool of his blood. Also i want to drown that broker in fucking cold water until he gets into his senses again.

But I can't let this happen. I never lost and this will be no different.

I need to meet him. I call Aditya and tell him to arrange a meeting with Adhvik Kapoor in the coming hour.

He nods and leaves. After a while he comes back with a paper in his hand.

"Here- you can take this and go straight to his office." He offers me a file.

I grab it and then head towards his office. After 20 minutes ride, i end up at his place.

The cold wind lingers over my body and i feel a little trembling.

As i make my way to his office, everyone present there nods at me. Like they have known me for life or even if i am their boss.

Forget it. His office is as strange as his personality.

I take a deep sigh and barge into his office without any knock. Of course no manners.

If he could just sit on my seat like he owns it in my fucking office, then i can obviously make my appearance without any permission.

His interiors are praise worthy i must say. I take a quick examination session and find him standing near the glass window. His hand holds a cup of coffee.

Another thing, his office only resides in another building rather than his enterprises. Too lonely or too secretive.

I don't care what.

He turns back to face me and an immediate smirk shines on his face. While i give him a tough stare.

"Oh i was not expecting you." He says while sipping his coffee.

"Of course i am not what you expect atleast." I rasp glancing at his poker face.

"Yeah i know. You are everything but not what i expect. Because i expected you to be at the broker's place and having a tough meeting session. But seems you have another interests." His voice is annoying.

Just annoying.

I hate to hear him speak. Forget it i hate that he exists.

"My interests are everything which includes you." I yakked while playing with the crystal ball resting at his table.

He takes few strides to reach me and i eyed him carefully. His body has that perfect figure.

The abs and the muscles perfectly feature him. He is a sex god.

And for a fact he is indeed good in sex. I mean that was one of the best night of my life.

His hands touch my hand which was residing on the table. He grips them lightly. I gave him a death glare and he chuckles.

"You like it don't you?" He questions focusing on my hands.

"What? I don't like your touch." I stomp on his foot and free my hand from his hold.

"Sweetheart i was not talking about my touch. I was talking about this crystal ball." He leans forward almost eating my earlobe in his deep husky voice.

Something flies in my stomach and i take a step back.

"You should stay in a distance while talking. Because I don't seem to have any hearing problems till now." I say in a sarcastic tone.

But he steps against my body and trails his finger on the little mole i have on my collarbone.

Shivers ran down my spine and i feel everything in this single moment.

"I know you don't have hearing disorder but I can't resist myself around you. I mean look at this mole. I wanna suck this really bad." He moves his finger in a circular motion making my heart race at the speed of light.

"Fuck you. I am not here for sex." I yank his hand down from my body.

"Then why will you fuck me sweetheart?" He acts all fool.

"You aren't that innocent to understand such terms. Stop acting so dumb because clearly you are not." I almost yell at him shooting daggers in his direction.

"Umm hmm you know a lot about me." His eyebrows touches the indistinct lines on his forehead.

"Remember you should know everything about your enemy." I smile at him and he grabs my waist while my breast presses against his hard chest.

And i growl. My life has become so exasperating since he showed up.

Another chapter guys. I know i will be very much active now. Please comment and vote so i can write with more enthusiasm.

I love you guys and your support. Trust me this story will never disappoint you.



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