
                   ADHVIK’S POV

            “तेरे पास नहीं तो दूर भी नहीं है

             तेरे साथ है तो रात भी सही है।”

She kissed me. Her lips were just sucking mine a minute ago and now she is already walking off the stage. Her walk is what i call sensational. Everything about her is so perfect.

But that doesn't change the fact that i hate her from the core of my heart. Love is not what i do.

I mean how can people just get along with the idea of loving someone for whole damn life? Hating seems better in this case.

A life full of competition and rage. To defeat and to win. Tanya Malhotra is the rival i always craved for. Someone passionate about winning. Someone who is above my levels. Someone who can cross every limit of playing dirty.

Someone like her. So perfect even in rivalry.

The thunder of clatters pulls me out of my intrusive thoughts. I look for her but she is nowhere to be found. After giving a short smile at the hosts of the event, my steps march down the stage.

My hand holds the second award i got and my eyes impatiently searches for her. That grey shimmers i what i am looking for. The crowd here is massive but she is rare.

I visit the restroom but she wasn't there as well. So i decide to go and look outside for her. When i passed the main entrance, my eyes fall on her. She was looking disturbed and her hand held the phone to her ear.

Strange. But who can be on the other side?

I take few steps and stand behind her. Not eavesdropping but they say you should know everything about your enemies.

"Okay fine. I will try to find a way." Her voice sounds tiring.

She takes a turn and her chest collides with mine. She is soft. Her eyes are cold. Unlike her usual face ,her expressions are less but can be seen.

"What the hell?" She gasped looking at me.

"Sounds like you have a problem." I answer while squinting my eyes.

"None of your business Mr. Kapoor." She grumbled while leaving me behind.

But i am jerk so i run behind her and catch her in no time. Her face gives a sighing expression.

"Can we not do this today?" She asks with a low tone.

"I didn't know you wanted to do that again tonight." I chuckle sarcastically.

"Watch your mouth." She mocks me.

"Yeah of course i should watch it after all you kissed it today." My tone is soft.

"Adhvik just get out of my way." She orders her expressions fading slowly.

I hold her forearm and let her body engulf in my arms. Her look is bold again. Impressive how she can go from 0 to 100 in a second.

"What's your problem Adhvik?" She lashes out pushing me behind.

But I don't loose my grip at all. Her arms struggle to get free of me but that isn't easy after all.

She takes one last sigh and the next i know is she faints in my arms. Her eyes shut down slowly and her body floats in my grip.

"Nice try. Now get up Tanya." I say with a chuckle.

No reply. Pretty good at acting.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Look i will drop you right here. Just get up already."

No response. Did she faint for real?

I tap on her face with gentle force. But she didn't respond. My hands move to her forehead and it's burning like hell. She got a fever.

I try few more times to wake her up but she doesn't act this time as well. My mind doesn't know what to do now. Great.

I mean it's quite weird how are you supposed to know what to do when your enemy faints right in front of you?

Oh sorry. In your arms.

Am I supposed to get her to a doctor or to simply leave her here? No that would be harsh. But i don't remember a single reason to be gentle towards her.

You have one. Sex.

My mind is fucked up. It shouldn't be thinking about fucking her pussy right now.

Yeah it shouldn't.

Maybe her driver will take her home and this situation will just get solved. Okay now i have to find her driver.

Let's go Adhvik Kapoor you can do this. Uhh- huhhh. But wait how can i move when she is right here in my arms.

I have to lay her down somewhere at first. A room maybe. But this building doesn't seem to have one. Then where should i place her body?

Fuck that.

My car. It will be a good shelter for her. Let's take her to my car. I bent my back a little and grabbed her legs, then my arms held her in a bridal style. As i was about to move, a cold wind swirled around our bodies.

My arms tightened the grip and i held her close to my chest. Her hairs were falling on her face, blocking my sight of her perfectly featured face. It was low and tired.

But her lips were the same. Juicy and tender.

I wonder how it feels like feasting on them. You just did it a night ago. My inner voices mock me.

But that isn't enough. Kissing her will never be enough for me.

Oh shut the fuck up Adhvik. She is Tanya not your fuckbuddy. Just take her to the damn car and search for her driver.

Taking slow and careful steps i reach the vallet parking. The helper there stands to get the key but i am unable to reach my pockets.

"Sir let me help you." He urges to me.

"No i can manage." I say in a bold voice.

As i look for the keys, not harming an inch of her body. I notice that helper looking so hungry at her. My blood boils. I want to punch in his eyes and those filthy eye balls will be served to hungry crows.

"Mam is pretty. How come she fainted?" He croaked while watching her body.

"Eyes down or i will make them useless for the rest of your life." I spoke with a rage and he looked down immediately.

His eyes should know who he is staring at. He isn't that capable to even have a glance of the goddess i am holding.

She is indeed my enemy but no one can harm her except me.

By keeping his eyes hooked to the ground, he takes the keys and goes to get my car. Once the car is here, i slowly lay her down on the front seat and secure her with the seatbelt.

Her body is more hot than before. Maybe her fever is rising. Her cheeks are getting red and a little swollen. I lock the car by giving her my upper coat and leave to find her driver.

The wind is now freezing cold. And most of the guests are gone home already. The left ones are making their out as well. I pull my phone and dial the security guard of mine.

"Find the driver of Tanya Malhotra." I order.

"Sorry sir but Miss Tanya Mam came by herself." He reveals from the other side.

"Then find her bodyguards." I demand again.

"Will do." He replies and i disconnect the call.

With a deep sigh, i turn back. Her face is drowned in the shine of the moonlight. She looks so innocent and my heart thumps a little louder.

My eyes keep gawking at her and I don't realise when i was near the bonnet of my car already. The car mirror feels like a cage to me.

Something i want to break. Something that stops me from reaching to her. Something that holds me back from doing what I shouldn't do.

I was just about to open the door of my car when my phone rings and i look to find it's my guard.

"I am so sorry sir but I couldn't find Mam's bodyguard. Seems like they left already." He apologised

"Oh fine. You can go home now. I will head by myself." Informing him i cut the call.

My gaze again fell on her, she looks so calm. Not that always blabbering and running to win whatever she wants. She is at peace now.

I make a turn and get a seat on the driving chair. I have to take her to my penthouse. Because that's probably the only place where media doesn't follow me.

And no matter how much my inner soul hates her, I don't want people to know anything wrong about her.

As i turn on the engine, i find her mumbling something. Though it is not audible enough but she looks scared. I lean a little towards her in a hope to get anything from the words she is saying randomly.

"I wasn't..... but why i am blamed?" Her voice seems hurt.

I forward my hand and caress the tip of my thumb on her cheek. She breathes unevenly.

A sudden rush of worry runs in my veins.

She moves her face a little and i trace my fingers to her forehead. Her fever is still there. I must buy some medicines for her first.

With a quick start, i drive my car out of the parking. The whole ride i keep on stealing glances at her. She is still from the position and her expressions cannot be seen.

I pull the brake in front of a medical store. After looking at her one last time, i walk towards the store.

When i come back, i find her hands shaking and her lips trembling. My brain stops working. What should i do now?

My hands immediately turns the AC off and i cover her with the overcoat i gave her before. Her lips are covered in a blue hue making me think they are just lifeless.

Her hands are dry and they seem way too cold for this weather. I try to squeeze them so that in any way the blood starts circulating again but it's not helping much.

Seeing her state we must reach home soon. I get back to driving with one hand while the other one holds her hand. Trying to give her a little warmth.

In a span of 15 minutes, we reach outside my penthouse. I rush to carry her and take her straight to my room.

Giving her a warm blanket, i head to bring some water. Along with that i take a bread sandwich to feed her. When i reach the room, she is sleeping just like a baby.

I take few steps and sit near her. I pull her up by her forearms, while i carefully place one hand under her neck and then slowly put the medicine in her mouth.

She engulfs with a little difficulty but somehow after that she faints again. I place the sandwich on the side table and turn the heater on before leaving the room.

My thoughts are neutral about what can happen tomorrow. I know she will think i worship her but that's not how it is.

Even i don't know why i brought her home but it's okay. I march towards my room and then change to get a sleep.

But my mind keeps on thinking about her. I am unable to sleep but somehow i manage to rest well. It's quite normal for me to only rest rather than to sleep.

Few hours pass and my alarm rings. I get up from that lazy bed and take a quick shower. Before going down, i visit her room.

With a creak sound, the door slowly opens and she comes into my sight. Her one hand resting under her chin and other on her side belly.

As i reach her, my body bends a little and i touch her forehead to check if she has fever or not. It seems normal.

My hand moves a little enjoying the softness of her skin, and her face moves suddenly. She takes a deep breath and holds my hand.

Like she was just waiting to do it from years. Her touch is very electric for me. I feel a million of things in a second.

In the process of staring at her shamelessly, i noticed a mole near her collarbone. It's so sexy i swear.

How come I didn't see it the other night.

A little smile resides over my lips when i feel her hands clutching to mine with a little force. I forward my other hand to put the little strand of her hairs behind her ears but she chose to wake up.

Her eyes open wide and she hurriedly leave my hand. Helping herself sit, she looks at me with pure astonishment.

"What are you doing at my place?" She puzzled.

"Umm hmm not your place but my place. You are at my place." I took that strand and place it behind her ear.

She moves away from me and looks at me with suspicion.

"I didn't touch you or even if i did it wouldn't be something new." I whinged her.

"Shut up already and tell me how i am here?" She inquires with the same arrogant attitude.

"Someone fainted in my arms and i had to bring her here." I reveal in sarcasm.

"You mean i fainted? Did you spike my drinks? Yeah you did it. So cheap." She gets up on her knees and points a finger at me.

I grab that tiny finger of hers and kiss it slowly. While looking in her eyes. She gives me a disgusting expression.

In a second, she takes her finger away and i smile sheepishly at her.

"Now tell me how you made me unconscious?" She asks clenching her jaw.

"I didn't spike your drinks. You had a fever." I say in a calm tone like nothing actually happened.

"Oh and you say the fever is gone without doing anything. Great." She mocks me twitching her lips.

I move a little closer to her and she keeps her face straight.

"No obviously not. I had to buy to medicines worth 50 dollars." I grunted in a teasing tone

"Oh so you bought me medicines. Can i know why this much mercy was done?" She interrogates again.

"Because I can't let you die that easily with a fever. You should die with a deep torture." I answer looking into her eyes and a smirk flashed on my face.

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