
                     TANYA'S POV


            "तेरे दीदार को हम चाहते तो ना थे

      पर अब जो मिल गया तो रहा नहीं जाता।"

The odd sunlight reaches my eyes and i squint them. As my vision gets clearer, i can feel the aura of the room filled with sex. The smell of arousals and my lingerie lying on the floor.

I rub my eyes and try to get up but my head hurts so bad. It often happens when i drink out of my level. Getting my strength together, i finally get and hold my head in my hands.

I look at myself in the mirror placed in front of the bed. I look like a mess. But honestly saying my body feels a lot better now. A good sex is what keeps me going.

My eyes look for the clothes i wore yesterday night. But that man tore all of them. I wear my lingerie and look for my bag. It is placed right beside the table. I grab it and search for my phone.

7:55. It almost 8 in the morning. I am late for gym and i think i have to miss it today but the sleep i got last night is worth sacrificing a gym day.

I call my driver to pick me up with another set of suit, after making the call i sit patiently there. My make up is all smudged now. I go to washroom and wash my face. The water here is cold but it feels itchy to my skin.

I go to my room and open my laptop to see how yesterday's thing affected my shares. The breaking news is all filled by


It's nothing new. I always like to be in the headlines but not like today. I have to get this under control. And for that i have to meet Him.

After quickly taking a shower, i head straight to my office without taking any meal. On my way to office, i check the stocks. The loss is not that serious. But still it is a loss.

I call Aditya and order him to arrange a meeting with Adhvik Kapoor. It's the time to finally meet him. And to teach him how to play these games.

After a good ride of 40 minutes, i reach my place. I remove my shades and nod at the staff for once before getting in the lift. They all murmur something behind my back, but I don't care enough about them.

As i reach my floor, everyone is gathered in the lobby. I gave all of them a "what the hell" look and they move away to their respective seats.

I march towards my cabin, but i see Aditya standing outside all tensed. The look on his face is everything a person can say to worry.

"What the fuck happened?" i ask him.

He speaks nothing, his looks getting more worried. His eyes glued to the floor, maybe he is unable to look at me. I roll my eyes in annoyance and move forward to my cabin.

"Mam please." Aditya pleads but that is too late my hands already pushed the gate.

I turn back to face Aditya but his expression is of full regret. I stare at him for a moment, and then focus back on the front view.

My cabin looks the same, everything is okay. Then why was he worrying?

I take a deep sigh and my eyes catch the sight of my chair, which is turned to the wall side. It always faces the front. I suspect something fishy here.

I take harsh steps to reach there, but before I could complete the distance. The chair turned.

A bold muscular man sitting on it, with shades on his eyes. His face looks familiar. The perfect jawline gives him the most handsome hunk face. His brows are beyond perfect. A light beard with enough of manly appearance showers his face.

I am pretty much sure that i have seen him but who is he?

I try to pressurise my brain so that it can somehow recognise him. But i fail. As i stare at him with suspicion. He forwards his hand to remove the pair of glasses from his eyes.

Those grey eyes.

The same eyes, i have seen this before. The eyes which are strong as metal. They are more secretive than his whole personality. As much as i find them full of secrets, i hate to admit that they calm the storms inside me.

The look in his eyes is so confusing. I can't decipher it atleast. Not that i am some kind of magician but they say we can read their intentions by looking into their eyes.

But his eyes are different. They don't give any hint of what he's upto.

All i can feel is i know him. More like i know his eyes. But my head hurts from yesterday night's hangover. I can't focus anymore.

Yesterday night. Oh yes yesterday night.

I saw him last night in the club. Now that i try to recall, he held me and saved me from falling when my stupid ass drank so much. I mean beyond my tolerance level.

"You will regret this tomorrow."

"I never regret a good sex."

Sudden flashbacks hit my consciousness. And instant regret rushes into my body.

Did i just fuck him last night?? Was he the one i got pleasures from??

But it's okay. Right? It's okay to fuck strangers for fun. It's okay to calm yourself with a nice sex. No need to worry. And also he should be grateful for having sex with THE TANYA MALHOTRA.

I mean not everyone gets to experience that. I am so out of reach kinda material and he got to spend whole night with me.

I look at him with a poker face and a slight smirk. He reciprocates the look with something in his eyes I can't explain. A glee or a sense of danger.

His eyes keep me hooked to him. I watch his expressions go from smile to rage and then to smile again.

Get off my chair." I spell as i move beside him.

"Why?" He questions back.

The audacity. How can he ask such a dumb question. I mean it's my office and this chair belongs to me.

"Because this whole building along with this chair belongs solely to me." I mock him with an authoritative tone.

"And you? What about you?" He asks again with a husky tone.

"What about me? There's no one in this world who can possess me." I answer him chuckling sarcastically.

He smiles in return with the most fake expression i have ever seen.

"You belong to me. Solely to me." With this he pulls me into his lap.

His legs are so hard. They don't feel like flesh anymore. Excess gym I guess. His hand clutches to my stomach and his breath dangles around my neck.

I feel a slight sense of tingling but i shoo it away in a second. I look back at him with side eyes as I can't turn back because of his  strong hold.

"You belong to me." He whispers against my ears. I stretch my face to another side and stomp on his foot.

His hold doesn't get affected. Great. I place my hand on his hand that sticks to my stomach. I pull it apart and stand again.

Bending my upper body a little, i hover over his body. He looks into my eyes. My heart races a little fast but i take it under control. I dig my index finger in his chest.

"Stay the fuck away from me. You don't know me yet." I try to threaten him.

He grabs my finger and hold my hand pulling me a little too closer. His scent is so good. If he wasn't such a jerk. I would have asked the name.

But who cares?

"I know you. But you don't know me Miss. Tanya Malhotra." He says carefully examining my features.

"Of course everyone knows me. After all i am the business sensation." I address him back.

"Yes might be one of the reason. But you will be happy to know about me. Or maybe a little astonished i guess." His voice is so annoying.

I balance myself up and free myself from his hold.

"No thankyou. I have no interest in knowing about my one night stand. You better leave Mr. Whatsover." I raise my hands in the direction of the door.

"Mr. Adhvik Kapoor not Mr. Whatsoever. I hope you will remember this next time." His words put me in a shock.

Like what the fuck? Adhvik Kapoor?

"By Adhvik Kapoor you mean the owner of Kapoor Industries?" I question to reconfirm what he just revealed.

"I exactly mean him." He adjusts his collar a little and stand up from the chair.

"Oh that's great. But not so nice to meet you Mr. Kapoor." I taunt him while rolling my eyes.

"Your actions and words surely don't match. Never mind." He mocks back at me.

"What do you mean?" I interrogate him.

"By this i mean yesterday night. When you were full of me." He intentionally puts pressure on words full of me.

Jerk. Asshole. Son of bitch.

"Don't cook delusions." I say as i turn back to him.

He grabs my waist and pulls me to him again. His hands moving from up to down, in a way that he would definitely count my body curves.

"3" he speaks by looking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Your body curves." He replies with raising his brows.

"What d- do you mean?" My tongue stutters a little.

Is he some kind of mind reader or what?

"Your intrusive thoughts." His words echoes in the silent room.

"What brings you here?" I try to divert his mind from his lust.

"You." He immediately replies.

"So obsessed with me." I say to tease him.

"My obsession is far ahead from your thinking." His tone is calm.

One thing i already hate about him is his change of expressions. I am unable to guess what his true intentions are.

"Stop your bullshit and tell me what's your point of coming here. Is it to stole my deal?" I question with a heavy tone.

"Of course yes but i heard you wanted to meet me so i came myself. Why to bother you." His facade smiles.

"Oh yes. I wanted to meet you. But never i knew you were the one last night in the club." I reveal.

"Of course you didn't know about me. But i know about you since last 3 years." He scoffs.

"I think our teams were capable enough of handling everything at their own so we never got a chance to meet. But this time something changed so our meeting was necessary." I say in a casual tone.

"I get it. But was last night necessary?" He says intentionally.

But I don't give a fuck.

"No it wasn't but you were good at bed. I must say." I try to act cool.

"You weren't bad either. We shall give it a try again." He smirks rubbing his thumb over my lips.

I look at his filthy hands. But these hands are what i am getting addicted to.

"After all these lips were so juicy." He flirts.

I jerk his hand off my lips and smile at him.

"I too think it's a good idea. But shall we first discuss about your new games." I smile wide.

"Yeah sure. I want that deal." He admits.

I knew it. Fucking bastard.

"Don't invade in my things. I am warning you." I say in a strong and bold tone to scare him.

"But what about yesterday night when i invaded every inch of your body?" He questions me with a poker face.

"That doesn't count. You are just a useless man who happens to be good in bed." I say shrieking in a fake chuckle.

"Oh should i remind you of what happened last night then?" His confidence speaks enough for him.

"Remind me then." I move an inch closer to him.

"By words or practically? What do you prefer?" He questions whispering in my ear.

I place a hand on his chest to keep him away from me. But that doesn't stop him of course.

"Let me kiss you." He breaths near my lips.

"Fuck off." I say looking at him with the utmost ego.

He grabs my jaw and squeezes it. It hurts but I don't react. Instead i make a hold of his wrist and twist it in the worst way possible.

I am judo expert. I am good at fighting so he won't stand longer in front of me.

But as a repercussion he grabbed my neck from both sides and kissed me like an animal feasting on his food.

I don't know for what reason but my lips couldn't resist him and i reciprocate his kiss with the same rage and intensity.

One thing for sure, this kiss wasn't out of lust or affection but out of hate and anger. This meeting will bring a lot in our lives.

The hate. The anger. The rage. The rivalry. The problems and most importantly The Ego.

Because you guys don't complete targets so of course late updates. For the early updates.

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