
                      TANYA'S POV

        "उसकी आँखों ने दीवाना सा कर दिया,

                 कि दिल हमारा होश खो बैठा"

Terror built in my nerves, i know any of this isn't true. It's all a nightmare. But my eyes are not ready to get rid of this. They aren't opening.

Very uneven breathing is felt when i finally gather the courage to open my eyes. The brown ceiling looks a lot more horrifying now. It's not calming me anymore.

I chose specifically brown colour to release all the fear whenever i open my eyes. But this isn't helping much today. I stare at the dark room while my face soaks in the sweat.

I feel like air is suffocating me. I am taking deep breaths to make it a little normal but seems like my system isn't ready to breathe.

I get up using my hands to push myself up. I sit with a pillow behind my back. The lamp shows the slightest of light. I forward my hand to shift it to shine mode. The room is now a lot more visible than a minute before.

I look for water in the container which is placed beside me. It is empty.

Fucking staff. Why do i even pay them?

With a deep exhale i move myself to get up. This is the hardest thing to do i swear. My body doesn't feel like balancing itself.

I can do this.

My inner subconscious gave me enough strength. I pushed back the strange feeling. It's okay. It will be okay by morning. I just need to calm myself.

That was an accident. Yes an accident.

I take steps to reach kitchen. As soon as i swtich the light on, Ishani came to me. I look at her with a smile.

"You know you don't need to fake your emotions in front of me mera bacha." She says while ruffling with my hairs.

Ishani has been a motherly figure to me. Since my parents died in that accident. I see her as my mentor. She always rescues me.

"I know Ishani and i am not hiding anything. It's just so normal that I don't get affected anymore." I shudder her hand away and leans to fill water in the container.

Ishani is the staff head. She deals with all of them. Also I don't have this much time to deal with them.

"By saying that you don't get affected, this won't get any better Tanya." She mocks me knowing how good i am at lying.

"I don't want it to get better either. I need to feel that pain. I need to remind myself how i lost them." My voice breaks but i manage to not show it.

My parents. I lost them.

"You can't punish yourself for what you never did Tanya. Think about this once again." She pats on my shoulder and leave me in the silence.

Silence never bothers me. I like it.

It screams that unsaid things. The hollowness bury deep in hushed surroundings.

And for a reason i love hollow things. It reminds me of myself.

My hollowness.

I stand there loosing myself in the ocean of regrets and betrayals. Staring at the wooden flooring the remaining night.

The next morning, i feel nothing about last night. The facade is back. I am unbothered by any of the things that happened earlier. I am just living to win.

As the cold water reaches my body, i move my hands to soak my hairs in deep water. Letting things go with the going water, i shampoo my hair.

Rinsing the chemical off i tie my bathrobe and move to my dressing area. I am going to meet the new investors today.

This might be the biggest win of my year.

I carry a white shirt along with a grey coat. The pants are matching with the coat in a light greyish tone. Giving me perfect hugs and a winning look.

Just how i love it to be.

Almost drowning myself in my favourite mist i exist from my room. I greet Ishani on the breakfast table and the other staff bow down a little.

Everything is just serene here. Things i love about mornings, they give me a deep sense of positivity.

Everything goes its way. The breakfast is calm. My favourite toast devours my mouth. I smile a little on every person present there.

Waiting to get a perfect reaction.

The thing with my house is everyone here fears me except Ishani. I like people to obey me.

I like everything to be flawless. Then I won't think twice about the ways to get it. Whether it is my fear or my calmness.

"All the best Tanya." Ishani pumps me up.

"I will." I nod at her comment.

My phone rings and the name Driver flashes on it. I shove the last bite in my mouth and march towards the front gate.

The car is right here. One of my house help pull the door for me. I put on the shades and the driver proceeds to our destination.

On my way to my office, i scroll through web and learn about news all around. The phone dings with a new notification.






The list goes on. But my eyes are stuck on the first position. I did it. From past 2 years i am successful in maintaining this position.

But my eyes didn't miss out the second name- Adhvik Kapoor. He is the biggest rival for me. I hear his name more than i should, which means he can be a threat to me.

He can be a fucking challenge to me.

But i love challenges. I love to tease and then win. I want to make him aware that nobody can compete with me.

I did hardwork day and night to make this work. I left my country and stood at heights here. And I won't let him ruin all this.

The driver pulls off and my mind diverts to my building. I feel so proud to own this. This is one of the best architecture of London.

I step out of the car and the team comes to escort me. Two bodyguards shield me from front and the other two from the back.

I remove my shades and look at the board-


This is what i worked for day and night. The shine it represents makes my heart swell in pride. I make my way to the building, the receptionist greets me while others good morning clatters in my ears.

The lift takes me to my cabin, where i saw Aditya standing. He is my secretary. He is not smiling like usual days. So something is off. And that will be an issue of concern.

I signal him to follow me. Following the same we enter my cabin.

"Good morning Tanya." He greets me in a low tone.

"What is it?" I ask ignoring his wish.

"It's about the new investors." He revealed.

"What about them?" I enquire once again.

"They are giving Kapoor Industries a chance as well." His words make my blood boil to another extent.

"Why?" I ask with a poker face.

"Because of him." His words are barely audible.

Him. It's him. Adhvik Kapoor.

"Never mind. He will soon learn his place." I answer him back with a sadistic smirk.

It's evening now and the whole day my mind absolutely fucked up. Adhvik never crosses his limits and we never messed up with each other's clients.

One of the reasons we never met is because of our negotiable behaviour but this time he changed the rules.

So of course i will change the game.

I carry my bag and went straight to my car. I barely pay any attention to my staff who greets me on my way back.

Once i step out of the building slow rain drenches me. My hairs are kind of wet but not enough to make me sick.

I turn on the engine and the sound of coldplay echoes in the car. It makes me feel like home.

The home i never had after my parents.

My phone suddenly binges with a notification which says MALHOTRA SHARES to go down by 2.25%.

My knuckles turn white and I immediately pull the brake. I get out of my car and kick it with full rage.

How the hell it happened. I won't spare him.

I let the rain soak me and my eyes turn red with anger. My nose flares and i can feel the hot blood running in my veins.

I need to drink. Right now.

But first i have to handle this. I call Aditya and tell him to raise the price overnight. Tomorrow when the market will open i will be stable again.

I sit back in my car and drive straight to my favourite club. I need to drink like a maniac.

At the club

I swipe my card at the gate and enter the club. The smell of alcohol and sex fills my nostrils. I take a deep breath , now this is what i love.

A dick. A big dick is what i need now.

Taking heavy footsteps towards the table, i hang my purse on my shoulder. The bartender looks at me and gives me a fishy smile. I raise my middle finger and his brows collided with a disgusted expression.

I move to another table, this bartender stares at my cleavage but I don't give a fuck.

"One large cup." I order looking at him.

He nods but his eyes glued to my cleavage. I gave him a death glare. And he instantly started doing his work.

I drink the shot once it was made. One after another.

Another. Another and yet another.

I could feel my body getting dizzy and the trembling of my hands while holding the glass. The grip keeps on getting looser only.

My vision is blur by now. I try to get up and carry my bag but my way of walk is very uneven. I can fall any moment.

But somehow i crossed three tables and then my head suddenly started to hurt. I want to scream but i cannot. So i just hold it with both of my hands.

As i try to take another step my body falls down but the very next second a hard muscular hand grips me from my chest and stomach.

He swings me up and i face him now. His eyes are of greyish tone. His scent is so addictive. But his eyes hold dark secrets.

Secrets that are unable to decipher.

"Careful miss." His husky voice whispers in my ear.

Shivers ran down my body but i push him.

"Fuck off." I say as i pull apart from him.

He comes closer to me. More closer and only closer. So close that i was breathing his oxygen now. His face moves to my neck and his tongue licks my collarbone.

I know i should kick him and move but for some reason i want him to continue. I want him to dig inside me until i pass out.

I need it.

So I don't move either. And his tongue continues to lick but then he bites my neck leaving a hickey for sure.

A needy moan left my throat. And i could feel his lips curving into a smirk.

Before i could do anything to rescue he threw me on his shoulder and started to move.

He stops in front of a room. I don't pay attention to the surroundings. He unlocks the door and we are in this cozy yet beautiful room.

"This is my personal room." He reveals while laying me down on the bed.

"I don't care just remove your clothes." My hands move to the buttons of his shirt.

But his hands stop mine. And he looks at me with so much dirty look.

"So eager to fuck me." He teases but i hurriedly remove his clothes.

But it's different in his case, he tears my clothes and and leave me naked only. I pull him and then he smashes his lips onto mine.

"You will definitely regret this tomorrow." He speaks while kissing me.

"I never regret a good sex." I smile at him.

"Let's see Miss." I ignore his words and focus on the kiss.

The kiss is soft but then he demands entry which i give easily. Then his torture starts and my mouth hurts so bad.

His tongue dances with mine. He gulps the whole tongue of mine in his throat almost gaging himself.

Squeezing my cheeks he continues to blow air in me and I enjoy it even more. I love when men hurts me while pleasuring me.

It's the only time when i let them hurt me.

He looks at my breasts with so much lust. He pinches my left nipple while squeezing the right one.

Then he moves to my stomach and bites like a wild animal. It hurts so much but I don't want him to stop.

My hands automatically move to his boxers and i touch his pelvis. It is rock hard. And my core gets wet so quickly.

He smiles hastily at me and then runs his errection on my stomach. It is so hard. And i can feel his boxers a little wet.

Of course Tanya effect.

This first chapter is out. Updating schedule will be Wednesday and Sunday.

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